Ep 62 Allison Kopf on indoor ag business models and women in agtech (rebroadcast)

Lots has changed for agtech entrepreneur Allison Kopf since we had her on the podcast a few years back. She’s been named to the Forbes 30 under 30, married, and changed the name of her agtech startup form Agrilyst to Artemis. But her passion for indoor farming and getting more women into agtech has not waivered!

We’re rebroadcasting (with edits and improvements) this episode in (albeit delayed) celebration of International Women’s Day. In it, we cover:

  • Indoor Ag 101: different systems, business models, and types of capital

  • Will indoor ag feed the growing population?

  • How indoor ag is changing what it means to be a farmer, and why that change can be complicated

  • Tips for making agtech conferences, and the market more broadly, more diverse!

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